Un asterisco sulla prima colonna indica che, per la prova corrispondente, è attiva una sospensione dell'accreditamento per quella prova (cfr. RG-02, §6).
NOTA: Le prove accreditate con campo flessibile, sono indicate come tali nella terza colonna. Il dettaglio delle prove flessibili, gestito dal laboratorio sotto la propria responsabilità, è distinto con l'indicazione "prova correlata".
S. | Cat. | Materiale / Prodotto / Matrice | Misurando / Proprietà misurata / Denominazione della prova | Norma/metodo di prova | Tecnica di prova | Campo di misura e/o di prova | |
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Acidità fissa/Fixed acidity | OIV - OENO 53/2000 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Acidità totale/Total acidity | OIV - OENO 52/2000 + OIV - OENO 597/2018 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Acidità volatile (da calcolo)/Volatile acid content (calculation) | OIV - OENO 52/2000 + OIV - OENO 597/2018 + OIV - OENO 53/2000 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Ceneri/Ash | OIV - OENO 58/2000 | Gravimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Contenuto di alcol residuo/Residual alcohol conten | OIV - OENO 56/2000 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Diossido di zolfo totale (Anidride solforosa totale)/Total Sulphur dioxide | OIV - OENO 60/2000 + OIV - OENO 13/2008 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Estratto secco totale/Total dry matter | DM 12/03/1986 SO GU n 161 14/07/1986 Met VI pag 95 | Bilancia Idrostatica | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Estratto secco totale/Total dry matter | OIV - OENO 57/2000 | Gravimetria | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars | Titolo alcolometrico volumico/Alcoholic strength by volume | DM 12/03/1986 SO GU n 161 14/07/1986 Met V pag 95 | Bilancia Idrostatica | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars, Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar, Condimenti a base di aceto/Vinegars condiments, Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts, Mosti cotti/Cooked musts, Mosti/Grape musts | Alluminio/Aluminium, Argento/Silver, Arsenico/Arsenic, Bario/Barium, Boro/Boron, Cadmio/Cadmium, Calcio/Calcium, Cobalto/Cobalt, Cromo/Chromium, Ferro/Iron, Litio/Lithium, Magnesio/Magnesium, Manganese/Manganese, Piombo/Lead, Potassio/Potassium, Rame/Copper, Rubidio/Rubidium, Silicio/Silicon, Sodio/Sodium, Stronzio/Strontium, Vanadio/Vanadium, Zinco/Zinc (Al >100 µg/l; Ag>10 µg/l; Ti >2 µg/l; As>30 µg/l; Pb>25 µg/l; Ba >15 µg/l; Be, Cd, Co>5 µg/l; Cr>10 µg/l; Li, V>6 µg/l; B>2 mg/l; Ca, Mg>15 mg/l; Fe>0,3 mg/l; Mn> 1mg/l; Na>5 mg/l; K >200 mg/l; Cu> 0.05 mg/l; Zn>0,5 mg/l; Rb, Si >3 mg/l; Sr >75 µg/l) | POP_160 Rev.7 2023 | ICP-OES | |||
0 | Aceti/Vinegars, Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar, Condimenti a base di aceto/Vinegars condiments, Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts, Mosti cotti/Cooked musts, Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Ocratossina A/Ochratoxin A (?0.1 ug/l, ?0.1 ug/kg) | POP_182 rev.0 2021 | LC-MS | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Acidità totale (come acido acetico)/Total acidity (expressed as Acetic acid) (>0.3) | POP_274 Rev.0 2021 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Ceneri/Ash (_) | POP_276 Rev.0 2021 | Gravimetria | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Diossido di zolfo totale (Anidride solforosa totale)/Total Sulphur dioxide (>10) | POP_277 Rev.0 2021 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Estratto secco netto/Net dry matter (_) | POP_275 Rev.0 2021 | Calcolo | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Glucosio + fruttosio/Glucose + fructose (>5) | POP_273 Rev.0 2021 | HPLC-RID | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Titolo alcolometrico volumico effettivo/Real alcoholic strength by volume (>0.06) | POP_272 Rev.0 2021 | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar, Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts | Analisi chimica/Chemical analysis : Densità relativa 20°C/Relative density at 20°C, Massa volumica a 20°C/Specific gravity at 20°C (>0.98) | POP_271 Rev.2 2023 | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano (1)/Drinking waters (1) | Conducibilità/Conductivity | APAT CNR IRSA 2030 Man 29 2003 | Conduttimetria | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters | Anioni/Anions : Cloruri/Chloride, Fluoruri/Fluoride, Fosfati/Phosphate, Nitrati/Nitrate, Nitriti/Nitrite, Solfati/Sulphates | UNI EN ISO 10304-1:2009 | IC | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters | Batteri coliformi/Coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli/Escherichia coli | ISO 9308-1:2014/Amd 1:2016 | Metodo colturale-conta | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters | Clostridium perfringens (spore comprese)/Clostridium perfringens (spores included) | UNI EN ISO 14189:2016 | Metodo colturale-conta | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters | Enterococchi intestinali/Intestinal enterococci | ISO 7899-2:2000 | Metodo colturale-conta | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters | Microrganismi vitali a 22°C/Microorganisms at 22°C, Microrganismi vitali a 36°C/Microorganisms at 36°C | ISO 6222:1999 | Metodo colturale-conta | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters, Acque di processo (1)/Process waters (1), Acque di scarico/Waste waters, Acque meteoriche (1)/Rain water (1), Acque minerali naturali (1)/Natural mineral waters (1), Acque sotterranee/Ground waters, Acque superficiali/Surface waters, Acque trattate (1)/Treated waters (1) | Alluminio/Aluminium, Argento/Silver, Arsenico/Arsenic, Boro/Boron, Cadmio/Cadmium, Calcio/Calcium, Cromo/Chromium, Durezza (da calcolo)/Hardness (calculation), Ferro/Iron, Magnesio/Magnesium, Manganese/Manganese, Mercurio/Mercury, Nichel/Nickel, Piombo/Lead, Potassio/Potassium, Rame/Copper, Rapporto di assorbimento del Sodio (SAR): indice di salinità (da calcolo)/Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR): salinity index (calculation), Sodio/Sodium, Stronzio/Strontium, Vanadio/Vanadium, Zinco/Zinc | UNI EN ISO 17294-2:2023 | ICP-MS | |||
0 | Acque destinate al consumo umano/Drinking waters, Acque di processo (1)/Process waters (1), Acque di scarico/Waste waters, Acque meteoriche (1)/Rain water (1), Acque sotterranee/Ground waters, Acque superficiali/Surface waters | Pesticidi/Pesticides : Alaclor/Alachlor, Aldrina/Aldrin, Alfa-esaclorocicloesano (alfa-HCH)/Alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH), Ametrina/Ametryne, Atrazina deetilata (metabolita)/Atrazine desethyl (metabolite), Atrazina desisopropilata (metabolita)/Atrazine desisopropyl (metabolite), Atrazina/Atrazine, Beta-esaclorocicloesano (beta-HCH)/Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH), Bromofos-etile/Bromophos-ethyl, Bromofos-metile/Bromophos-methyl, Buprofezina/Buprofezin, Cianazina/Cyanazine, Clordano (cis)/Chlordane (cis), Clordano (trans)/Chlordane (trans), Clormefos/Chlormephos, Clorpirifos etile/Chlorpyriphos-Ethyl, Delta-esaclorocicloesano (delta-HCH)/Delta-hexachlorocyclohexano (delta-HCH), Diazinone/Diazinon, Dieldrina/Dieldrin, Dimetenamide/Dimethenamid, Endosulfan alfa/Endosulfan alpha, Endosulfan beta/Endosulfan beta, Endosulfan solfato/Endosulfan sulfate, Endrina/Endrin, Eptacloro epossido (cis)/Heptachlor epoxide (cis), Eptacloro epossido (trans)/Heptachlor epoxide (trans), Eptacloro/Heptachlor, Esaclorobenzene (HCB)/Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), Etoprofos/Ethoprophos, Fenamifos/Fenamiphos, Fenazaquin/Fenazaquin, Flufenacet/Flufenacet, Fonofos/Fonofos, Forate/Phorate, Gamma-esaclorocicloesano (gamma-HCH Lindano)/Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH Lindane), Isodrina/Isodrin, Isofenfos/Isofenphos, Malation/Malathion, Metribuzin/Metribuzin, Mirex/Mirex, Molinate/Molinate, o-p'-DDD (Diclorodifenildicloroetano)/o-p'-DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane), o-p'-DDE (Diclorodifenildicloroetilene)/o-p'-DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene), o-p'-DDT (Diclorodifeniltricloroetano)/o-p'-DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), p-p'-DDD (Diclorodifenildicloroetano)/p-p'-DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane), p-p'-DDT (Diclorodifeniltricloroetano)/p-p'-DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), p-p'-DDE (Diclorodifenildicloroetilene)/p-p'-DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene), Paration-etile /Parathion-Ethyl, Paration-metile/Parathion-methyl, Pendimetalin/Pendimethalin, Pentaclorobenzene/Pentachlorobenzene, Pirimifos metile/Pirimiphos methyl, Prometrina/Prometryn, Propazina/Propazine, Prothiofos/Prothiofos, Simazina/Simazine, Simetrina/Simetryn, Sulfotep/Sulfotep, Terbufos/Terbufos, Terbutilazina deetilata (metabolita)/Terbuthylazine deethylate (metabolite), Terbutilazina/Terbuthylazine, Terbutrina/Terbutryn, Tionazin/Thionazin, Tolclofos-metile/Tolclofos-methyl, Trifluralin/Trifluralin | APAT CNR IRSA 5060 Man 29 2003 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Acque di scarico/Waste waters, Acque naturali/Natural waters | pH/pH | APAT CNR IRSA 2060 Man 29 2003 | Potenziometria | |||
V | Campo flessibile | Additivi e coadiuvanti enologici/Additives and winemaking aids | Pesticidi/Pesticides | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Prodotti enologici/Oenological products | Phosphonic acid, Fosetyl | POP_481 rev.4 2022 | LC-MS/MS | Fosetyl >0,1mg/kg, Phosphonic acid >1,0mg/kg | |
0 | Alimenti ad alto contenuto di acqua/High-water food, Vini/Wines | Composti perfluoroalchilici (PFAS)/Perfluoroalkyl compounds : Acido 11-cloroeicosafluoro-3-ossaundecano-1-solfonico (11Cl-PF3OUdS)/11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-1-sulfonic acid (11Cl-PF3OUdS), Acido 1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluoroottansolfonico (6:2 FTS)/1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (6:2 FTS), Acido 4-8-diossa-3H-perfluorononanoico (ADONA)/4-8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid (ADONA), Acido 9-cloroesadecafluoro-3-ossanone-1-solfonico (9Cl-PF3ONS)/9-chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-1-sulfonic acid (9Cl-PF3ONS), Acido N-etil perfluoroottansolfonoamidoacetico (N-Et-FOSAA)/N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (N-Et-FOSAA), Acido N-metil perfluoroottansolfonoamidoacetico (N-Me-FOSAA)/N-methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (N-Me-FOSAA), Acido perfluorobutansolfonico (PFBS)/Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS), Acido perfluorodecanoico (PFDA)/Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), Acido perfluorodecansolfonico (PFDS)/Perfluorodecanesulfonic acid (PFDS), Acido perfluorododecanoico (PFDoA)/Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA), Acido perfluorododecanosulfonico (PFDOS)/Perfluorododecanesulfonic Acid (PFDOS), Acido perfluoroeptanoico (PFHpA)/Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), Acido perfluoroeptansolfonico (PFHpS)/Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS), Acido perfluoroesansolfonico (PFHxS)/Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS), Acido perfluorononanoico (PFNA)/Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), Acido perfluorononansolfonico (PFNS)/Perfluorononanesulfonic acid (PFNS), Acido perfluoroottanoico (PFOA)/Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), Acido perfluoroottanosolfonico (PFOS)/Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), Acido perfluoropentansolfonico (PFPeS)/Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS), Acido perfluorotetradecanoico (PFTeDA)/Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTeDA), Acido perfluorotridecanoico (PFTrDA)/Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA), Acido perfluorotridecansolfonico (PFTrDS)/Perfluorotridecanesulfonic Acid (PFTrDS), Acido perfluoroundecanoico (PFUnA)/Perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA), Acido perfluoroundecansolfonico (PFUnS)/Perfluoroundecansulfonic acid (PFUnS), N-(carbossimetil)-N,N-dimetil-3-[[(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoroottil)solfonil]ammino]- (Capstone B)/N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-[[(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)sulfonyl]amino]- (Capstone B), N-[3-(Dimetilossidiamino)propil]-3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoro-1-ottansolfonammide (Capstone A)/N-[3-(Dimethyloxidoamino)propyl]-3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluoro-1-octanesulfonamide (Capstone A), Perfluoro ottan sulfonamide (PFOSA)/Perfluorooctanesulphonamide (PFOSA) (PFOA, PFNA, PFOS, PFHxS > 0,002 µg/kg; PFHpA, PFUnA, PFDoA, PFTeDA, PFOSA, N-Et-FOSAA, N-Me-FOSAA, Capstone A, PFBS, PFNS, PFDS, PFUnS, PFDOS, PFTrDS, 9Cl-PF3ONS, 11Cl-PF3OUdS, 6:2 FTS > 0,005 µg/kg; ADONA, PFDA, PFHpS, PFPeS, PFTrDA, Capstone B > 0,010 µg/kg) | POP_189 Rev 2 2024 | LC-MS/MS | |||
0 | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin | Rame/Copper (> 0.5mg/Kg) | POP_053 Rev.0 2023 | ICP-OES | |||
V | Campo flessibile | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin | Tossine/Toxins | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Cacao/Cocoa, Caffè verde/Green coffee, Caffè/Coffee, Derivati della frutta /Fruit products, Derivati della frutta secca/Dried fruits products, Erbe aromatiche/Aromatic herbs, Erbe infusionali/ Infusion herbs, Frutta secca/Dried fruits, Frutta/Fruit, Prodotti ortofrutticoli ad alto contenuto di olio e loro trasformati/High-oil fruit and vegetable products and their processed, Spezie/Spices | Aflatoxin B1, Aflatoxin B2, Aflatoxin G1, Aflatoxin G2, Total aflatoxins (B1 + B2 + G1 + G2), Ochratoxin A (OTA) | POP_379 rev.7 2024 | LC-MS/MS | Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2 >0,5µg/kg; Ochratoxin A >0,5µg/kg | |
0 | Prova correlata | Cereali/Cereals, Derivati dei cereali/Cereal products | Aflatoxin B1, Aflatoxin B2, Aflatoxin G1, Aflatoxin G2, Total aflatoxins (B1 + B2 + G1 + G2), Deoxynivalenol (DON), Fumonisin B1, Fumonisin B2, Ochratoxin A (OTA), Zearalenone (ZEA/ZEN), Toxin T-2, Toxin HT-2 | POP_379 rev.7 2024 | LC-MS/MS | Aflatoxins B1,B2,G1,G2 > 0,5µg/kg; Ochratoxin A > 0,5µg/kg; Deoxynivalenol > 50µg/kg; Fumonisins B1,B2 > 100µg/kg; Zearalenone > 5µg/kg; Toxin T-2 > 2µg/kg, Toxin HT-2 > 2µg/kg | |
0 | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils, Vini/Wines | Pesticidi/Pesticides : Metil-isotiocianato/Methylisothiocyanate (> 0.01 mg/kg) | POP_394 Rev. 0 2023 | GC-MS/MS | |||
V | Campo flessibile | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | Pesticidi/Pesticides | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | GC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D, 2,4-D (sum of 2,4-D, its salts, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as 2,4-D), 2,4-DB, 2,4-DB (sum of 2,4-DB, its salts, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as 2,4-DB), 2-phenylphenol (sum of 2-phenylphenol and its conjugates, expressed as 2-phenylphenol) , 6-Benzyladenine, Abamectin (sum of avermectin B1a, avermectin B1b and delta-8,9 isomer of avermectin B1a, expressed as avermectin B1a), Avermectin B1a, Avermectin B1b, Avermectin B1a delta-8,9 isomer, Acephate, Acequinocyl, Acetamiprid, Acibenzolar acid, Aldicarb (sum of aldicarb, its sulfoxide and its sulfone, expressed as aldicarb), Aldicarb, Aldicarb-sulfone, Aldicarb-sulfoxide, Ametoctradin, Amidosulfuron, Aminopyralid, Amisulbrom, Amitraz (amitraz including the metabolites containing the 2,4 -dimethylaniline moiety expressed as amitraz), Amitraz, 2,4-Dimethylanilin (Amitraz metabolite), Atrazine , Desethyl-Atrazine, Desisopropyl-Atrazine, Azadirachtin, Azimsulfuron, Azocyclotin and Cyhexatin (sum of azocyclotin and cyhexatin expressed as cyhexatin), Azoxystrobin, Benzalkonium chloride (mixture of C8, C10, C12, C14, C16 and C18), Benzalkonium Chloride n-C8, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C10, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C12, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C14, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C16, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C18, Beflubutamid, Benfuracarb, Bensulfuron-methyl, Bentazone (Sum of bentazone, its salts and 6-hydroxy (free and conjugated) and 8-hydroxy bentazone (free and conjugated), expressed as bentazone), Bentazone, Bentazone-6-hydroxy, Bentazone-8-hydroxy, Benthiavalicarb (Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl and its enantiomer and its diastereomers, expressed as benthiavalicarb-isopropyl), Benzovindiflupyr, Benzoximate, Bifenazate (sum of bifenazate plus bifenazate-diazene expressed as bifenazate), Bifenazate, Bifenazate-diazene, Bispyribac, Bixafen, Boscalid , Bromacil, Bromadiolone, Bromoxynil and its salts, expressed as bromoxynil, Bromuconazole (sum of diasteroisomers) , Cadusafos, Carbaryl , Carbendazim and benomyl (sum of benomyl and carbendazim expressed as carbendazim), Benomyl, Carbendazim, Carbofuran (sum of carbofuran (including any carbofuran generated from carbosulfan, benfuracarb or furathiocarb) and 3-OH carbofuran expressed as carbofuran), Carbofuran , 3-Hydroxy-Carbofuran, Carbosulfan, Carboxin, Carfentrazone-ethyl (determined as carfentrazone and expressed as carfentrazone-ethyl), Carfentrazone, Carfentrazone-ethyl, Chlorantraniliprole (DPX E-2Y45), Chlorfluazuron, Chlorotoluron, Chloroxuron, Chlorsulfuron, Chlorthiamid, Clethodim (sum of Sethoxydim and Clethodim including degradation products calculated as Sethoxydim), Clethodim, Sethoxydim, Clodinafop and its S-isomers and their salts, expressed as clodinafop, Clofentezine, Clomazone, Clopyralid, Cloquintocet-mexyl, Clothianidin, Coumaphos, Cyanazine, Cyantraniliprole, Cyazofamid, Cycloate, Cycloxydim including degradation and reaction products which can be determined as (BH 517-TGSO2) and/or (BH 517-5-OH-TGSO2) or methyl esters thereof, calculated in total as cycloxydim, Cycloxydim , 3-hydroxy-3-(3-thianyl)glutaric acid S-dioxide (BH517-5-OH-TGSO2 metabolite of Cycloxydim), 3-(3-thianyl)glutaric acid S-dioxide (BH 517-TGSO2 metabolite of Cycloxydim), Cycluron, Cyflufenamid (sum of cyflufenamid (Z-isomer) and its E-isomer, expressed as cyflufenamid), Cyflumetofen, Cymoxanil, Cyprosulfamide, Cyromazine, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (mixture of alkyl-quaternary ammonium salts with alkyl chain lengths of C8, C10 and C12), DDAC-C8, DDAC-C10, DDAC-C12, DEET (N,N-Diethyl-M-Toluamid), Demeton-S-methyl (Disulfuton Oxon Sulfone), Oxydemeton-methyl (sum of oxydemeton-methyl and demeton-S-methylsulfone expressed as oxydemeton-methyl), Demeton-S-methylsulfone, Oxydemeton-methyl (Demeton-S-methylsulfoxide), Desmedipham, Diafenthiuron, Dicamba, Dichlormid, Dichlorprop (2,4-DP), Dichlorprop (Sum of dichlorprop (including dichlorprop-P), its salts, esters and conjugates, expressed as dichlorprop), Diclofop (sum diclofop-methyl and diclofop acid expressed as diclofop-methyl), Diclofop, Difenacoum, Difenoconazole, Diflubenzuron , Diflufenican, Dimefox, Dimethenamid including other mixtures of constituent isomers including dimethenamid-P (sum of isomers), Dimethoate, Dimethomorph (sum of isomers), Dinocap (sum of dinocap isomers and their corresponding phenols expressed as dinocap), Dioxacarb, Disulfoton (sum of disulfoton, disulfoton sulfoxide and disulfoton sulfone expressed as disulfoton), Disulfoton, Disulfoton-sulfone, Disulfoton-sulfoxide, Dithianon, Diuron (sum expressed as 3,4- dichloraniline), Diuron, DMF - Dimethylphenylformamide, 2,4- (Amitraz metabolite), DMPF - Dimethylphenyl-N-methylformamidine, N-2,4- (Amitraz metabolite), Dodemorph, Dodine, Emamectin benzoate B1a, expressed as emamectin, EPN, Ethiofencarb, Ethofumesate (Sum of ethofumesate, 2-keto?ethofumesate, open-ring-2-keto-ethofumesate and its conjugate, expressed as ethofumesate), Ethofumesate, Ethofumesate-Carboxylic acid, Ethofumesate-Lactone, Ethirimol (Bupirimate metabolite), Etoxazole, Fenamiphos (sum of fenamiphos and its sulphoxide and sulphone expressed as fenamiphos), Fenamiphos-sulphone, Fenamiphos-sulphoxide, Fenbutatin oxide, Fenhexamid, Fenothiocarb, Fenoxaprop-P, Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, Fenoxycarb, Fenpropidin (sum of fenpropidin and its salts, expressed as fenpropidin), Fenpyrazamine, Fenpyroximate, Fenthion (fenthion and its oxigen analogue, their sulfoxides and sulfone expressed as parent), Fenthion, Fenthion-oxon, Fenthion-oxonsulfone, Fenthion-oxonsufoxide, Fenthion-sulfone, Fenthion-sulfoxide, Fipronil (sum fipronil + sulfone metabolite (MB46136) expressed as fipronil), Fipronil, Fipronil-sulfone , Flamprop-M-isopropyl, Flazasulfuron, Flonicamid (sum of flonicamid, TFNA and TFNG expressed as flonicamid), TFNA, TFNG, Florasulam, Florpyrauxifen-benzyl, Fluazifop-P (sum of all the constituent isomers of fluazifop, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as fluazifop), Fluazifop, Fluazinam, Flubendiamide, Fludioxonil, Flufenacet (sum of all compounds containing the N fluorophenyl-N-isopropyl moiety expressed as flufenacet), Flufenacet (Fluthiamid), Flufenacet-oxalate (M1), Flufenacet-Thioglycolate-Sulfoxide (M4), Flufenoxuron, Fluometuron, Fluopyram, Flupyradifurone, Fluroxypyr (sum of fluroxypyr, its salts, its esters, and its conjugates, expressed as fluroxypyr), Fluroxypyr, Fluroxypyr-mepthyl, Flutolanil, Fluxapyroxad, Foramsulfuron, Forchlorfenuron, Formetanate: Sum of formetanate and its salts expressed as formetanate (hydrochloride), Fosthiazate, Furathiocarb, Gibberellic acid, Halauxifen-methyl (sum of halauxifen-methyl and X11393729 (halauxifen), expressed as halauxifen-methyl), Halauxifen, Halauxifen-methyl, Halosulfuron methyl, Haloxyfop (Sum of haloxyfop, its esters, salts and conjugates expressed as haloxyfop (sum of the R- and S- isomers at any ratio)), Haloxyfop, Haloxyfop-R-methyl, Hexaflumuron, Hexythiazox, Imazalil (any ratio of constituent isomers), Imazamethabenz-methyl, Imazamox (Sum of imazamox and its salts, expressed as imazamox), Imazaquin, Imazosulfuron, Imidacloprid, Iodosulfuron-methyl (sum of iodosulfuron-methyl and its salts, expressed as iodosulfuron-methyl), Ioxynil (sum of ioxynil and its salts, expressed as ioxynil), Ioxynil, Ioxynil-methyl, Ipconazole, Iprovalicarb, Isofenphos-methyl, Isofetamid, Isoproturon, Isopyrazam, Isoxaben, Isoxadifen-ethyl, Isoxaflutole (sum of isoxaflutole and its diketonitrile-metabolite, expressed as isoxaflutole), Isoxaflutole, Isoxaflutole RPA 202248, Linuron, Lufenuron (any ratio of constituent isomers), Malathion (sum of malathion and malaoxon expressed as malathion), Malaoxon, Malathion, Mandipropamid (any ratio of constituent isomers), Matrine, MCPA and MCPB (MCPA, MCPB including their salts, esters and conjugates expressed as MCPA), MCPA, MCPB, Mecarbam, Mecoprop (sum of mecoprop-p and mecoprop expressed as mecoprop), Mefenpyr-diethyl, Mefentrifluconazole, Mepronil, Meptyldinocap (sum of 2,4 DNOPC and 2,4 DNOP expressed as meptyldinocap), Meptyldinocap (2,4 DNOPC), 2,4-DNOP-6-Meptyl (2,4 DNOP), Mesosulfuron-methyl, Mesotrione, Metaflumizone (sum of E- and Z- isomers), Metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M (metalaxyl including other mixtures of constituent isomers including metalaxyl-M (sum of isomers)), Metaldehyde, Metamitron, Metconazole (sum of isomers), Methamidophos, Methidathion, Methiocarb (sum of methiocarb and methiocarb sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as methiocarb), Methiocarb, Methiocarb-sulfone, Methiocarb-sulfoxide, Methomyl and Thiodicarb (sum of methomyl and thiodicarb expressed as methomyl), Methomyl, Thiodicarb, Methoxyfenozide, Metobromuron, Metolcarb, Metoxuron, Metrafenone, Metsulfuron methyl, Milbemectin (sum of milbemycin A4 and milbemycin A3, expressed as milbemectin), Milbemectin-A3, Milbemectin-A4, Monolinuron, Monuron, 1-Naphthylacetamide and 1-naphthylacetic acid (sum of 1-naphthylacetamide and 1-naphthylacetic acid and its salts, expressed as 1-naphythlacetic acid), 1-Naphthylacetic acid (NAA), 1-Naphthylacetamide (NAD), Naled, Nicosulfuron, Nicotine (screening), Nitenpyram, 2-Naphthyloxyacetic acid (NOA, BNOA), Novaluron, Omethoate, Orthosulfamuron, Oryzalin, Oxamyl, Oxasulfuron, Oxathiapiprolin, Penconazole (sum of constituent isomers), Pencycuron, Pendimethalin, Penoxsulam, Penthiopyrad, Pethoxamid, Phenmedipham, Phosphamidon, Phoxim , Picloram, Picolinafen, Picoxystrobin, Pinoxaden, Pirimicarb: sum of pirimicarb and desmethyl pirimicarb expressed as pirimicarb, Pirimicarb, Desmethyl-Pirimicarb, Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz), Prochloraz, Profoxydim, Prohexadione (prohexadione (acid) and its salts expressed as prohexadione-calcium), Promecarb, Prometon, Prometryn, Propachlor: oxalinic derivate of propachlor, expressed as propachlor, Propamocarb (Sum of propamocarb and its salts, expressed as propamocarb), Propaquizafop, Propargite, Propazine, Propham, Propoxycarbazone (propoxycarbazone, its salts and 2-hydroxypropoxycarbazone expressed as propoxycarbazone), 2-Hydroxy-Propoxycarbazone , Propoxycarbazone, Propyzamide, Proquinazid, Prosulfocarb, Prosulfuron, Prothioconazole: prothioconazole-desthio (sum of isomers), Prothioconazole, Prothioconazole Desthio, Pymetrozine, Pyraclostrobin, Pyraflufen-ethyl (Sum of pyraflufen-ethyl and pyraflufen, expressed as pyraflufen-ethyl), Pyraflufen, Pyraflufen ethyl, Pyrethrins, Pyridalyl, Pyridate (sum of pyridate, its hydrolysis product CL 9673 (6-chloro-4-hydroxy-3-phenylpyridazin) and hydrolysable conjugates of CL 9673 expressed as pyridate), Pyridafol, Pyridate, Pyrimethanil, Pyriofenone, Pyriproxyfen, Pyroxsulam, Quinclorac, Quizalofop (sum of quizalofop, its salts, its esters (including propaquizafop) and its conjugates, expressed as quizalofop (any ratio of constituent isomers)), Quizalofop-ethyl, Rimsulfuron, Rotenone, Sedaxane (sum of isomers), Silthiofam, Simazine, Spinetoram (XDE-175), Spinetoram (XDE-175-J), Spinetoram (XDE-175-L), Spinosad (spinosad, sum of spinosyn A and spinosyn D), Spinosyn A, Spinosyn D, Spirodiclofen, Spirotetramat and its 4 metabolites BYI08330-enol, BYI08330-ketohydroxy, BYI08330-monohydroxy, and BYI08330 enol-glucoside, expressed as spirotetramat, Spirotetramat, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-enol, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-enol-glucoside, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-ketohydroxy, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-monohydroxy, Spiroxamine (sum of isomers), Sulcotrione, Sulfentrazone, Sulfosulfuron, Sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers), Tebuconazole, Tebufenozide, Tebupirimifos, Teflubenzuron, Tembotrione, Tepraloxydim, Terbumeton, Terbuthylazine, Tetrachlorvinphos, Thiabendazole, Thiacloprid, Thiamethoxam , Thiencarbazone methyl, Thifensulfuron-methyl, Thiobencarb (4-chlorobenzyl methyl sulfone), Thiophanate-methyl, Thiram (expressed as thiram), Tiocarbazil, Dimethylaminosulfotoluidide (DMST, Tolylfluanid metabolite), Tralkoxydim (sum of the constituent isomers of tralkoxydim), Triadimenol (any ratio of constituent isomers), Triasulfuron, Triazamate, Triazophos, Tribenuron-methyl, Trichlorfon, 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol, Triclopyr, Tricyclazole, Trifloxystrobin, Triflumizole: Triflumizole and metabolite FM-6-1(N-(4-chloro-2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-n-propoxyacetamidine), expressed as Triflumizole, Triflumizole, FM-6-1(N-(4-chloro-2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-n-propoxyacetamidine) (metabolite of Triflumizole), Triflumuron, Triflusulfuron (6-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine (IN-M7222)), Triforine, Trinexapac (sum of trinexapac (acid) and its salts, expressed as trinexapac), Trinexapac (aka cimetacarb ethyl), Triticonazole, Tritosulfuron, Valifenalate, Vamidothion, Zoxamide, 4,6-dihydroxy tembotrione (Tembotrione metabolite M5), Chloridazon, Chloridazon-desphenyl, Chloridazon (sum of chloridazon and chloridazon-desphenyl, expressed as chloridazon) | UNI EN 15662:2018 | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | Amitrole, Chlormequat, Daminozid, Ethylenethiourea (ETU), Matrine, Mepiquat, Nicotine, Oxymatrine, Propylenethiourea (PTU), Chloridazon-desphenyl | CVUA EU RL-SRM QuPPe Vers 12 met 4.2 2021 | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | AMPA (Glyphosate metabolite), Chlorate, Ethephon, Fosetyl-Al (Sum of Fosetyl and Phosphonic acid expressed as Fosetyl), Glyphosate, Perchlorate, Phosphonic acid, Total inorganic Bromide | CVUA EU RL-SRM QuPPe Vers 12 met 1.9 2021 | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | Diethanolamine, Morpholine, Triethanolamine | CVUA EU RL-SRM QuPPe Vers 12 met 7 2021 | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | Diquat, Paraquat | CVUA EU RL-SRM QuPPe Vers 12 met 4.1 2021 | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | Maleic hydrazide | CVUA EU RL-SRM QuPPe Vers 12 met 1.3 2021 | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Vini/Wines | 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D, 2,4-D (sum of 2,4-D, its salts, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as 2,4-D), 2,4-DB, 2,4-DB (sum of 2,4-DB, its salts, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as 2,4-DB), 2-phenylphenol (sum of 2-phenylphenol and its conjugates, expressed as 2-phenylphenol) , 6-Benzyladenine, Abamectin (sum of avermectin B1a, avermectin B1b and delta-8,9 isomer of avermectin B1a, expressed as avermectin B1a), Avermectin B1a, Avermectin B1b, Avermectin B1a delta-8,9 isomer, Acephate, Acequinocyl, Acetamiprid, Acibenzolar acid, Aldicarb (sum of aldicarb, its sulfoxide and its sulfone, expressed as aldicarb), Aldicarb, Aldicarb-sulfone, Aldicarb-sulfoxide, Ametoctradin, Amidosulfuron, Aminopyralid, Amisulbrom, Amitraz (amitraz including the metabolites containing the 2,4 -dimethylaniline moiety expressed as amitraz), Amitraz, 2,4-Dimethylanilin (Amitraz metabolite), Atrazine , Desethyl-Atrazine, Desisopropyl-Atrazine, Azadirachtin, Azimsulfuron, Azocyclotin and Cyhexatin (sum of azocyclotin and cyhexatin expressed as cyhexatin), Azoxystrobin, Benzalkonium chloride (mixture of C8, C10, C12, C14, C16 and C18), Benzalkonium Chloride n-C8, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C10, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C12, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C14, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C16, Benzalkonium Chloride n-C18, Beflubutamid, Benfuracarb, Bensulfuron-methyl, Bentazone (Sum of bentazone, its salts and 6-hydroxy (free and conjugated) and 8-hydroxy bentazone (free and conjugated), expressed as bentazone), Bentazone, Bentazone-6-hydroxy, Bentazone-8-hydroxy, Benthiavalicarb (Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl and its enantiomer and its diastereomers, expressed as benthiavalicarb-isopropyl), Benzovindiflupyr, Benzoximate, Bifenazate (sum of bifenazate plus bifenazate-diazene expressed as bifenazate), Bifenazate, Bifenazate-diazene, Bispyribac, Bixafen, Boscalid , Bromacil, Bromadiolone, Bromoxynil and its salts, expressed as bromoxynil, Bromuconazole (sum of diasteroisomers) , Cadusafos, Carbaryl , Carbendazim and benomyl (sum of benomyl and carbendazim expressed as carbendazim), Benomyl, Carbendazim, Carbofuran (sum of carbofuran (including any carbofuran generated from carbosulfan, benfuracarb or furathiocarb) and 3-OH carbofuran expressed as carbofuran), Carbofuran , 3-Hydroxy-Carbofuran, Carbosulfan, Carboxin, Carfentrazone-ethyl (determined as carfentrazone and expressed as carfentrazone-ethyl), Carfentrazone, Carfentrazone-ethyl, Chlorantraniliprole (DPX E-2Y45), Chlorfluazuron, Chlorotoluron, Chloroxuron, Chlorsulfuron, Chlorthiamid, Clethodim (sum of Sethoxydim and Clethodim including degradation products calculated as Sethoxydim), Clethodim, Sethoxydim, Clodinafop and its S-isomers and their salts, expressed as clodinafop, Clofentezine, Clomazone, Clopyralid, Cloquintocet-mexyl, Clothianidin, Coumaphos, Cyanazine, Cyantraniliprole, Cyazofamid, Cycloate, Cycloxydim including degradation and reaction products which can be determined as (BH 517-TGSO2) and/or (BH 517-5-OH-TGSO2) or methyl esters thereof, calculated in total as cycloxydim, Cycloxydim , 3-hydroxy-3-(3-thianyl)glutaric acid S-dioxide (BH517-5-OH-TGSO2 metabolite of Cycloxydim), 3-(3-thianyl)glutaric acid S-dioxide (BH 517-TGSO2 metabolite of Cycloxydim), Cycluron, Cyflufenamid (sum of cyflufenamid (Z-isomer) and its E-isomer, expressed as cyflufenamid), Cyflumetofen, Cymoxanil, Cyprosulfamide, Cyromazine, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (mixture of alkyl-quaternary ammonium salts with alkyl chain lengths of C8, C10 and C12), DDAC-C8, DDAC-C10, DDAC-C12, DEET (N,N-Diethyl-M-Toluamid), Demeton-S-methyl (Disulfuton Oxon Sulfone), Oxydemeton-methyl (sum of oxydemeton-methyl and demeton-S-methylsulfone expressed as oxydemeton-methyl), Demeton-S-methylsulfone, Oxydemeton-methyl (Demeton-S-methylsulfoxide), Desmedipham, Diafenthiuron, Dicamba, Dichlormid, Dichlorprop (2,4-DP), Dichlorprop (Sum of dichlorprop (including dichlorprop-P), its salts, esters and conjugates, expressed as dichlorprop), Diclofop (sum diclofop-methyl and diclofop acid expressed as diclofop-methyl), Diclofop, Difenacoum, Difenoconazole, Diflubenzuron , Diflufenican, Dimefox, Dimethenamid including other mixtures of constituent isomers including dimethenamid-P (sum of isomers), Dimethoate, Dimethomorph (sum of isomers), Dinocap (sum of dinocap isomers and their corresponding phenols expressed as dinocap), Dioxacarb, Disulfoton (sum of disulfoton, disulfoton sulfoxide and disulfoton sulfone expressed as disulfoton), Disulfoton, Disulfoton-sulfone, Disulfoton-sulfoxide, Dithianon, Diuron (sum expressed as 3,4- dichloraniline), Diuron, DMF - Dimethylphenylformamide, 2,4- (Amitraz metabolite), DMPF - Dimethylphenyl-N-methylformamidine, N-2,4- (Amitraz metabolite), Dodemorph, Dodine, Emamectin benzoate B1a, expressed as emamectin, EPN, Ethiofencarb, Ethofumesate (Sum of ethofumesate, 2-keto?ethofumesate, open-ring-2-keto-ethofumesate and its conjugate, expressed as ethofumesate), Ethofumesate, Ethofumesate-Carboxylic acid, Ethofumesate-Lactone, Ethirimol (Bupirimate metabolite), Etoxazole, Fenamiphos (sum of fenamiphos and its sulphoxide and sulphone expressed as fenamiphos), Fenamiphos-sulphone, Fenamiphos-sulphoxide, Fenbutatin oxide, Fenhexamid, Fenothiocarb, Fenoxaprop-P, Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, Fenoxycarb, Fenpropidin (sum of fenpropidin and its salts, expressed as fenpropidin), Fenpyrazamine, Fenpyroximate, Fenthion (fenthion and its oxigen analogue, their sulfoxides and sulfone expressed as parent), Fenthion, Fenthion-oxon, Fenthion-oxonsulfone, Fenthion-oxonsufoxide, Fenthion-sulfone, Fenthion-sulfoxide, Fipronil (sum fipronil + sulfone metabolite (MB46136) expressed as fipronil), Fipronil, Fipronil-sulfone , Flamprop-M-isopropyl, Flazasulfuron, Flonicamid (sum of flonicamid, TFNA and TFNG expressed as flonicamid), TFNA, TFNG, Florasulam, Florpyrauxifen-benzyl, Fluazifop-P (sum of all the constituent isomers of fluazifop, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as fluazifop), Fluazifop, Fluazinam, Flubendiamide, Fludioxonil, Flufenacet (sum of all compounds containing the N fluorophenyl-N-isopropyl moiety expressed as flufenacet), Flufenacet (Fluthiamid), Flufenacet-oxalate (M1), Flufenacet-Thioglycolate-Sulfoxide (M4), Flufenoxuron, Fluometuron, Fluopyram, Flupyradifurone, Fluroxypyr (sum of fluroxypyr, its salts, its esters, and its conjugates, expressed as fluroxypyr), Fluroxypyr, Fluroxypyr-mepthyl, Flutolanil, Fluxapyroxad, Foramsulfuron, Forchlorfenuron, Formetanate: Sum of formetanate and its salts expressed as formetanate (hydrochloride), Fosthiazate, Furathiocarb, Gibberellic acid, Halauxifen-methyl (sum of halauxifen-methyl and X11393729 (halauxifen), expressed as halauxifen-methyl), Halauxifen, Halauxifen-methyl, Halosulfuron methyl, Haloxyfop (Sum of haloxyfop, its esters, salts and conjugates expressed as haloxyfop (sum of the R- and S- isomers at any ratio)), Haloxyfop, Haloxyfop-R-methyl, Hexaflumuron, Hexythiazox, Imazalil (any ratio of constituent isomers), Imazamethabenz-methyl, Imazamox (Sum of imazamox and its salts, expressed as imazamox), Imazaquin, Imazosulfuron, Imidacloprid, Iodosulfuron-methyl (sum of iodosulfuron-methyl and its salts, expressed as iodosulfuron-methyl), Ioxynil (sum of ioxynil and its salts, expressed as ioxynil), Ioxynil, Ioxynil-methyl, Ipconazole, Iprovalicarb, Isofenphos-methyl, Isofetamid, Isoproturon, Isopyrazam, Isoxaben, Isoxadifen-ethyl, Isoxaflutole (sum of isoxaflutole and its diketonitrile-metabolite, expressed as isoxaflutole), Isoxaflutole, Isoxaflutole RPA 202248, Linuron, Lufenuron (any ratio of constituent isomers), Malathion (sum of malathion and malaoxon expressed as malathion), Malaoxon, Malathion, Mandipropamid (any ratio of constituent isomers), Matrine, MCPA and MCPB (MCPA, MCPB including their salts, esters and conjugates expressed as MCPA), MCPA, MCPB, Mecarbam, Mecoprop (sum of mecoprop-p and mecoprop expressed as mecoprop), Mefenpyr-diethyl, Mefentrifluconazole, Mepronil, Meptyldinocap (sum of 2,4 DNOPC and 2,4 DNOP expressed as meptyldinocap), Meptyldinocap (2,4 DNOPC), 2,4-DNOP-6-Meptyl (2,4 DNOP), Mesosulfuron-methyl, Mesotrione, Metaflumizone (sum of E- and Z- isomers), Metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M (metalaxyl including other mixtures of constituent isomers including metalaxyl-M (sum of isomers)), Metaldehyde, Metamitron, Metconazole (sum of isomers), Methamidophos, Methidathion, Methiocarb (sum of methiocarb and methiocarb sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as methiocarb), Methiocarb, Methiocarb-sulfone, Methiocarb-sulfoxide, Methomyl and Thiodicarb (sum of methomyl and thiodicarb expressed as methomyl), Methomyl, Thiodicarb, Methoxyfenozide, Metobromuron, Metolcarb, Metoxuron, Metrafenone, Metsulfuron methyl, Milbemectin (sum of milbemycin A4 and milbemycin A3, expressed as milbemectin), Milbemectin-A3, Milbemectin-A4, Monolinuron, Monuron, 1-Naphthylacetamide and 1-naphthylacetic acid (sum of 1-naphthylacetamide and 1-naphthylacetic acid and its salts, expressed as 1-naphythlacetic acid), 1-Naphthylacetic acid (NAA), 1-Naphthylacetamide (NAD), Naled, Nicosulfuron, Nicotine (screening), Nitenpyram, 2-Naphthyloxyacetic acid (NOA, BNOA), Novaluron, Omethoate, Orthosulfamuron, Oryzalin, Oxamyl, Oxasulfuron, Oxathiapiprolin, Penconazole (sum of constituent isomers), Pencycuron, Pendimethalin, Penoxsulam, Penthiopyrad, Pethoxamid, Phenmedipham, Phosphamidon, Phoxim , Picloram, Picolinafen, Picoxystrobin, Pinoxaden, Pirimicarb: sum of pirimicarb and desmethyl pirimicarb expressed as pirimicarb, Pirimicarb, Desmethyl-Pirimicarb, Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz), Prochloraz, Profoxydim, Prohexadione (prohexadione (acid) and its salts expressed as prohexadione-calcium), Promecarb, Prometon, Prometryn, Propachlor: oxalinic derivate of propachlor, expressed as propachlor, Propamocarb (Sum of propamocarb and its salts, expressed as propamocarb), Propaquizafop, Propargite, Propazine, Propham, Propoxycarbazone (propoxycarbazone, its salts and 2-hydroxypropoxycarbazone expressed as propoxycarbazone), 2-Hydroxy-Propoxycarbazone , Propoxycarbazone, Propyzamide, Proquinazid, Prosulfocarb, Prosulfuron, Prothioconazole: prothioconazole-desthio (sum of isomers), Prothioconazole, Prothioconazole Desthio, Pymetrozine, Pyraclostrobin, Pyraflufen-ethyl (Sum of pyraflufen-ethyl and pyraflufen, expressed as pyraflufen-ethyl), Pyraflufen, Pyraflufen ethyl, Pyrethrins, Pyridalyl, Pyridate (sum of pyridate, its hydrolysis product CL 9673 (6-chloro-4-hydroxy-3-phenylpyridazin) and hydrolysable conjugates of CL 9673 expressed as pyridate), Pyridafol, Pyridate, Pyrimethanil, Pyriofenone, Pyriproxyfen, Pyroxsulam, Quinclorac, Quizalofop (sum of quizalofop, its salts, its esters (including propaquizafop) and its conjugates, expressed as quizalofop (any ratio of constituent isomers)), Quizalofop-ethyl, Rimsulfuron, Rotenone, Sedaxane (sum of isomers), Silthiofam, Simazine, Spinetoram (XDE-175), Spinetoram (XDE-175-J), Spinetoram (XDE-175-L), Spinosad (spinosad, sum of spinosyn A and spinosyn D), Spinosyn A, Spinosyn D, Spirodiclofen, Spirotetramat and its 4 metabolites BYI08330-enol, BYI08330-ketohydroxy, BYI08330-monohydroxy, and BYI08330 enol-glucoside, expressed as spirotetramat, Spirotetramat, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-enol, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-enol-glucoside, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-ketohydroxy, Spirotetramat-BYI08330-monohydroxy, Spiroxamine (sum of isomers), Sulcotrione, Sulfentrazone, Sulfosulfuron, Sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers), Tebuconazole, Tebufenozide, Tebupirimifos, Teflubenzuron, Tembotrione, Tepraloxydim, Terbumeton, Terbuthylazine, Tetrachlorvinphos, Thiabendazole, Thiacloprid, Thiamethoxam , Thiencarbazone methyl, Thifensulfuron-methyl, Thiobencarb (4-chlorobenzyl methyl sulfone), Thiophanate-methyl, Thiram (expressed as thiram), Tiocarbazil, Dimethylaminosulfotoluidide (DMST, Tolylfluanid metabolite), Tralkoxydim (sum of the constituent isomers of tralkoxydim), Triadimenol (any ratio of constituent isomers), Triasulfuron, Triazamate, Triazophos, Tribenuron-methyl, Trichlorfon, 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol, Triclopyr, Tricyclazole, Trifloxystrobin, Triflumizole: Triflumizole and metabolite FM-6-1(N-(4-chloro-2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-n-propoxyacetamidine), expressed as Triflumizole, Triflumizole, FM-6-1(N-(4-chloro-2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-n-propoxyacetamidine) (metabolite of Triflumizole), Triflumuron, Triflusulfuron (6-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine (IN-M7222)), Triforine, Trinexapac (sum of trinexapac (acid) and its salts, expressed as trinexapac), Trinexapac (aka cimetacarb ethyl), Triticonazole, Tritosulfuron, Valifenalate, Vamidothion, Zoxamide, 4,6-dihydroxy tembotrione (Tembotrione metabolite M5), Chloridazon, Chloridazon-desphenyl, Chloridazon (sum of chloridazon and chloridazon-desphenyl, expressed as chloridazon) | OIV-MA-AS323-08 R2012 | LC-MS/MS | ||
V | Campo flessibile | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | Pesticidi/Pesticides | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Alimenti di origine vegetale/Foodstuffs of plant origin, Parti di piante/Parts of plants, Piante/Plants, Vini/Wines | 2-phenylphenol (2-Hydroxybiphenyl), 4-chloro-3-methylphenol (4-Chloro-m-cresol), Acetochlor, Acibenzolar-S-methyl (sum of acibenzolar-S-methyl and acibenzolar acid (free and conjugated), expressed as acibenzolar-S-methyl), Acibenzolar-S-methyl, Aclonifen, Acrinathrin, Alachlor, Aldrin and Dieldrin (Aldrin and dieldrin combined expressed as dieldrin), Aldrin , Dieldrin, Ametryn, Anthraquinone, Azinphos-ethyl , Azinphos-methyl, Benalaxyl including other mixtures of constituent isomers including benalaxyl-M (sum of isomers), Bendiocarb, Benfluralin , Benzoylprop-ethyl, Bifenox , Bifenthrin (sum of isomers), Biphenyl, Bitertanol (sum of isomers), Bromocyclen, Bromophos-ethyl, Bromophos-methyl, Bromopropylate, Bupirimate, Buprofezin, Captan (Sum of captan and THPI, expressed as captan), Captan, Tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI, Captan metabolite), Carbophenothion, Chlordane (sum of cis- and trans-chlordane), Chlorfenapyr, Chlorfenson , Chlorfenvinphos, Chloridazon, Chloroneb, Chlorothalonil, Chlorpropham, Chlorpyrifos, Chlorpyrifos-methyl , Chlorthal-dimethyl, Chlorthion, Chlorthiophos, Chlozolinate, Clodinafop-propargyl, Cyanophos, Cyfluthrin (cyfluthrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)), Cyhalofop-butyl, Lambda-cyhalothrin (includes gamma-cyhalothrin) (sum of R,S and S,R isomers), Gamma-Cyhalothrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Cypermethrin (cypermethrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)), alpha-Cypermethrin, beta-Cypermethrin, zeta-Cypermethrin, Cyproconazole, Cyprodinil, DDT (sum of p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p-p'-DDE and p,p'-TDE (DDD) expressed as DDT), o,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT, Deltamethrin (cis-deltamethrin), Desmetryn, Di-allate (sum of isomers), Diazinon, Dichlobenil, Dichlofenthion, Dichlofluanid, Dichlorvos, Diclobutrazol, Diclofop-methyl, Dicloran, Dicofol (sum of p,p' and o,p' isomers), Diethofencarb, Dimoxystrobin, Diniconazole (sum of isomers), Diphenamid, Diphenylamine, Ditalimfos, Endosulfan (sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and endosulfan-sulphate expresses as endosulfan), Endosulfan-alpha, Endosulfan-beta, Endosulfan-sulphate, Endrin, Epoxiconazole, EPTC (ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate), Etaconazole, Ethalfluralin, Ethion, Ethoprophos, Ethoxyquin, Etofenprox, Etridiazole, Etrimfos, Famoxadone, Fenamidone, Fenamiphos, Fenarimol, Fenazaquin, Fenbuconazole (sum of constituent enantiomers), Fenchlorphos (sum of fenchlorphos and fenchlorphos oxon expressed as fenchlorphos), Fenchlorphos, Fenchlorphos oxon, Fenclorim, Fenitrothion, Fenpropathrin, Fenpropimorph (sum of isomers), Fenson, Fensulfothion, Fenvalerate (any ratio of constituent isomers (RR, SS, RS & SR) including esfenvalerate), Fenvalerate and Esfenvalerate (Sum of RR & SS isomers), Fenvalerate and Esfenvalerate (Sum of RS & SR isomers), Flonicamid, Fluazifop-P-butyl, Flucythrinate (flucythrinate including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)) , Flumioxazine, Fluopicolide, Fluotrimazole, Fluoxastrobin (sum of fluoxastrobin and its Z-isomer), Fluquinconazole, Flurochloridone (sum of cis- and trans- isomers), Flurprimidole, Flusilazole, Flutriafol, Fluvalinate (sum of isomers) resulting from the use of tau-fluvalinate, Folpet, Folpet (sum of folpet and phtalimide, expressed as folpet), Phthalimide (Folpet metabolite), Fonofos, Formothion, Furalaxil, Furilazole, Alpha-HCH, Beta-HCH, Delta-HCH, Epsilon-HCH, Lindane (Gamma-isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)), Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide expressed as heptachlor), Heptachlor , Cis-Heptachlorepoxid, Trans-Heptachlorepoxid, Heptenophos, Hexachlorobenzene , Hexaconazole, Icaridin (Picaridin), Indoxacarb (sum of indoxacarb and its R enantiomer), Iodofenphos, Iprodione, Isazofos, Isodrin, Isofenphos, Isoprocarb, Isopropalin, Karanjin, Kresoxim-methyl, Lenacil, Leptophos, Mepanipyrim, Metazachlor (Sum of metabolites 479M04, 479M08 and 479M16, expressed as metazachlor) , Methacrifos, Metolachlor and S-metolachlor (metolachlor including other mixtures of constituent isomers including S-metolachlor (sum of isomers)), Methoxychlor, Metribuzin, Mevinphos (sum of E- and Z-isomers), Mirex (Perchlordécone), Molinate, Monocrotophos, Myclobutanil (sum of constituent isomers), Napropamide (sum of isomers), Nitrofen, Nitrothal-isopropyl, Nuarimol, Oxadiazon, Oxadixyl, Oxyfluorfen, Paclobutrazol (sum of constituent isomers), Paraoxon, Parathion, Parathion-methyl (sum of Parathion-methyl and paraoxon-methyl expressed as Parathion-methyl), Paraoxon-methyl, Parathion-methyl, Pentachloroanisole, Permethrin (sum of isomers), Perthan, Phenthoate, Phorate (sum of phorate, its oxygen analogue and their sulfones expressed as phorate), Phorate , Phorate-oxon, Phorate-sulfone, Phorate-sulfoxide, Phosalone, Phosmet (phosmet and phosmet oxon expressed as phosmet), Phosmet, Phosmet-oxon, Piperonyl butoxide, Pirimiphos-ethyl, Pirimiphos-methyl, Pretilachlor, Procymidone, Profenofos, Profluralin, Propanil, Propetamphos, Propiconazole (sum of isomers), Propoxur, Prothiofos, Pyrazophos, Pyridaben, Pyridaphenthion, Pyrifenox, Quinalphos, Quinoxyfen, Quintozene (sum of quintozene and pentachloro-aniline expressed as quintozene), Quintozene, Pentachloroaniline, S421 (Octachlorodipropyl Ether), Simetryn, Spiromesifen, Sulfallate, Sulfotep, Tebufenpyrad , Tecnazene, Tefluthrin, Terbacil, Terbufos, Terbutryn, Tetraconazole, Tetradifon, Tetramethrin, Tetrasul, Thionazin, Tolclofos-methyl, Tolylfluanid (Sum of tolylfluanid and dimethylaminosulfotoluidide expressed as tolylfluanid), Tolylfluanid, Tralomethrin, Tri-allate, Triadimefon, Trichloronat, Trifluralin, Vinclozolin, Flutianil, Penflufen | UNI EN 15662:2018 | GC-MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Vini/Wines | 2-phenylphenol (2-Hydroxybiphenyl), 4-chloro-3-methylphenol (4-Chloro-m-cresol), Acetochlor, Acibenzolar-S-methyl (sum of acibenzolar-S-methyl and acibenzolar acid (free and conjugated), expressed as acibenzolar-S-methyl), Acibenzolar-S-methyl, Aclonifen, Acrinathrin, Alachlor, Aldrin and Dieldrin (Aldrin and dieldrin combined expressed as dieldrin), Aldrin , Dieldrin, Ametryn, Anthraquinone, Azinphos-ethyl , Azinphos-methyl, Benalaxyl including other mixtures of constituent isomers including benalaxyl-M (sum of isomers), Bendiocarb, Benfluralin , Benzoylprop-ethyl, Bifenox , Bifenthrin (sum of isomers), Biphenyl, Bitertanol (sum of isomers), Bromocyclen, Bromophos-ethyl, Bromophos-methyl, Bromopropylate, Bupirimate, Buprofezin, Captan (Sum of captan and THPI, expressed as captan), Captan, Tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI, Captan metabolite), Carbophenothion, Chlordane (sum of cis- and trans-chlordane), Chlorfenapyr, Chlorfenson , Chlorfenvinphos, Chloridazon, Chloroneb, Chlorothalonil, Chlorpropham, Chlorpyrifos, Chlorpyrifos-methyl , Chlorthal-dimethyl, Chlorthion, Chlorthiophos, Chlozolinate, Clodinafop-propargyl, Cyanophos, Cyfluthrin (cyfluthrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)), Cyhalofop-butyl, Lambda-cyhalothrin (includes gamma-cyhalothrin) (sum of R,S and S,R isomers), Gamma-Cyhalothrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Cypermethrin (cypermethrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)), alpha-Cypermethrin, beta-Cypermethrin, zeta-Cypermethrin, Cyproconazole, Cyprodinil, DDT (sum of p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p-p'-DDE and p,p'-TDE (DDD) expressed as DDT), o,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT, Deltamethrin (cis-deltamethrin), Desmetryn, Di-allate (sum of isomers), Diazinon, Dichlobenil, Dichlofenthion, Dichlofluanid, Dichlorvos, Diclobutrazol, Diclofop-methyl, Dicloran, Dicofol (sum of p,p' and o,p' isomers), Diethofencarb, Dimoxystrobin, Diniconazole (sum of isomers), Diphenamid, Diphenylamine, Ditalimfos, Endosulfan (sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and endosulfan-sulphate expresses as endosulfan), Endosulfan-alpha, Endosulfan-beta, Endosulfan-sulphate, Endrin, Epoxiconazole, EPTC (ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate), Etaconazole, Ethalfluralin, Ethion, Ethoprophos, Ethoxyquin, Etofenprox, Etridiazole, Etrimfos, Famoxadone, Fenamidone, Fenamiphos, Fenarimol, Fenazaquin, Fenbuconazole (sum of constituent enantiomers), Fenchlorphos (sum of fenchlorphos and fenchlorphos oxon expressed as fenchlorphos), Fenchlorphos, Fenchlorphos oxon, Fenclorim, Fenitrothion, Fenpropathrin, Fenpropimorph (sum of isomers), Fenson, Fensulfothion, Fenvalerate (any ratio of constituent isomers (RR, SS, RS & SR) including esfenvalerate), Fenvalerate and Esfenvalerate (Sum of RR & SS isomers), Fenvalerate and Esfenvalerate (Sum of RS & SR isomers), Flonicamid, Fluazifop-P-butyl, Flucythrinate (flucythrinate including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)) , Flumioxazine, Fluopicolide, Fluotrimazole, Fluoxastrobin (sum of fluoxastrobin and its Z-isomer), Fluquinconazole, Flurochloridone (sum of cis- and trans- isomers), Flurprimidole, Flusilazole, Flutriafol, Fluvalinate (sum of isomers) resulting from the use of tau-fluvalinate, Folpet, Folpet (sum of folpet and phtalimide, expressed as folpet), Phthalimide (Folpet metabolite), Fonofos, Formothion, Furalaxil, Furilazole, Alpha-HCH, Beta-HCH, Delta-HCH, Epsilon-HCH, Lindane (Gamma-isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)), Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide expressed as heptachlor), Heptachlor , Cis-Heptachlorepoxid, Trans-Heptachlorepoxid, Heptenophos, Hexachlorobenzene , Hexaconazole, Icaridin (Picaridin), Indoxacarb (sum of indoxacarb and its R enantiomer), Iodofenphos, Iprodione, Isazofos, Isodrin, Isofenphos, Isoprocarb, Isopropalin, Karanjin, Kresoxim-methyl, Lenacil, Leptophos, Mepanipyrim, Metazachlor (Sum of metabolites 479M04, 479M08 and 479M16, expressed as metazachlor) , Methacrifos, Metolachlor and S-metolachlor (metolachlor including other mixtures of constituent isomers including S-metolachlor (sum of isomers)), Methoxychlor, Metribuzin, Mevinphos (sum of E- and Z-isomers), Mirex (Perchlordécone), Molinate, Monocrotophos, Myclobutanil (sum of constituent isomers), Napropamide (sum of isomers), Nitrofen, Nitrothal-isopropyl, Nuarimol, Oxadiazon, Oxadixyl, Oxyfluorfen, Paclobutrazol (sum of constituent isomers), Paraoxon, Parathion, Parathion-methyl (sum of Parathion-methyl and paraoxon-methyl expressed as Parathion-methyl), Paraoxon-methyl, Parathion-methyl, Pentachloroanisole, Permethrin (sum of isomers), Perthan, Phenthoate, Phorate (sum of phorate, its oxygen analogue and their sulfones expressed as phorate), Phorate , Phorate-oxon, Phorate-sulfone, Phorate-sulfoxide, Phosalone, Phosmet (phosmet and phosmet oxon expressed as phosmet), Phosmet, Phosmet-oxon, Piperonyl butoxide, Pirimiphos-ethyl, Pirimiphos-methyl, Pretilachlor, Procymidone, Profenofos, Profluralin, Propanil, Propetamphos, Propiconazole (sum of isomers), Propoxur, Prothiofos, Pyrazophos, Pyridaben, Pyridaphenthion, Pyrifenox, Quinalphos, Quinoxyfen, Quintozene (sum of quintozene and pentachloro-aniline expressed as quintozene), Quintozene, Pentachloroaniline, S421 (Octachlorodipropyl Ether), Simetryn, Spiromesifen, Sulfallate, Sulfotep, Tebufenpyrad , Tecnazene, Tefluthrin, Terbacil, Terbufos, Terbutryn, Tetraconazole, Tetradifon, Tetramethrin, Tetrasul, Thionazin, Tolclofos-methyl, Tolylfluanid (Sum of tolylfluanid and dimethylaminosulfotoluidide expressed as tolylfluanid), Tolylfluanid, Tralomethrin, Tri-allate, Triadimefon, Trichloronat, Trifluralin, Vinclozolin, Flutianil, Penflufen | OIV-MA-AS323-08 R2012 | GC-MS | ||
0 | Alimenti non grassi/Non fatty food | Pesticidi/Pesticides : Ditiocarbammati (come CS2)/Dithiocarbamates (as CS2) | UNI EN 12396-2:1999 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Alimenti/Food | Arsenico/Arsenic, Cadmio/Cadmium, Mercurio/Mercury, Piombo/Lead | UNI EN 13805:2014 + UNI EN 15763:2010 | ICP-MS | |||
0 | Alimenti/Food | Solfiti (espressi come diossido di zolfo-Anidride solforosa)/Sulphites (expressed a Sulfur dioxide) | UNI EN 1988-1:1998 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Bevande aromatizzate a base di vino (1)/Aromatised wine-based drinks (1), Cocktail aromatizzati di prodotti vitivinicoli (1)/Aromatised wine-product cocktails (1), Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini aromatizzati (1)/Aromatised wine (1), Vini/Wines | Alluminio/Aluminium, Arsenico/Arsenic, Boro/Boron, Cadmio/Cadmium, Calcio/Calcium, Cobalto/Cobalt, Ferro/Iron, Litio/Lithium, Magnesio/Magnesium, Manganese/Manganese, Nichel/Nickel, Piombo/Lead, Potassio/Potassium, Rame/Copper, Sodio/Sodium, Stronzio/Strontium, Zinco/Zinc | OIV-MA-AS323-07 R2023 | ICP-MS | |||
0 | Bevande aromatizzate a base di vino (1)/Aromatised wine-based drinks (1), Cocktail aromatizzati di prodotti vitivinicoli (1)/Aromatised wine-product cocktails (1), Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini aromatizzati (1)/Aromatised wine (1), Vini/Wines | Diglucoside malvosidico (ibridi produttori diretti)/Malvidin diglucoside | OIV-MA-AS315-03 cap 2 R2009 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Bevande spiritose/Spirits drinks | 1-1-dietossietano (acetale)/1-1-diethoxyethane (acetal), 1-butanolo (alcol n-butilico)/1-butanol (n-butyl alcohol), 1-propanolo (alcol n-propilico)/1-propanol (n-propylic alcohol), 2-butanolo (alcol sec-butilico)/2-butanol (sec-butyl alcohol), 2-metil-1-butanolo (alcol amilico)/2-methyl-1-butanol (amyl alcohol), 2-metil-1-propanolo (alcol isobutilico)/2-methyl-1-propanol (Isobutanol), 3-metil-1-butanolo (alcol isoamilico)/3-methyl-1-butanol (isoamyl alcohol), Acetato di etile/Ethyl acetate, Etanale (Acetaldeide)/Ethanal (Acetaldehyde), Metanolo (Alcol metilico)/Methanol (Methyl alcohol) | Reg CE 2870/2000 19/12/2000 GU CE L333 29/12/2000 All III.2 + Reg UE 383/2023 16/02/2023 GU UE L53 21/02/2023 All | GC-FID | |||
0 | Bevande spiritose/Spirits drinks | Acidità fissa/Fixed acidity, Acidità totale/Total acidity, Acidità volatile/Volatile acid content | Reg CE 2870/2000 19/12/2000 GU CE L333 29/12/2000 All III.3 + Reg UE 635/2016 22/04/2016 GU UE L108/1 23/04/2016 All + Reg UE 383/2023 16/02/2023 GU UE L53 21/02/2023 All | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Bevande spiritose/Spirits drinks | Benzil butilftalato (BBP)/Benzyl butylphthalate (BBP), Di-2-etilesilftalato (DEHP)/Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP), Di-butilftalato (DBP)/Di-butylphthalate (DBP), Di-isobutilftalato (DIBP)/Di-isobutylphthalate (DIBP) | OIV - OENO 521/2013 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Bevande spiritose/Spirits drinks | Densità/Density, Massa volumica/Specific Gravity | OIV-MA-BS-06 R2009 | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Bevande spiritose/Spirits drinks | Estratto secco totale/Total dry matter | OIV-MA-BS-10 R2009 + OIV-MA-BS-06 R2009 | Calcolo: bilancia idrostatica | |||
0 | Bevande spiritose/Spirits drinks | Titolo alcolometrico volumico/Alcoholic strength by volume | Reg CE 2870/2000 19/12/2000 GU CE L333/22 29/12/2000 All I App II Met B | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Acidità totale/Total acidity | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 8A | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Acidità volatile/Volatile acid content | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 9 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Ceneri/Ash | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 10 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Estratto/Extract | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 6A (Met 4 + 5B) | Bilancia Idrostatica | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Grado alcolico/Alcohol strength | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 5B | Bilancia Idrostatica | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Grado saccarometrico in peso (Grado Plato)/Original gravity (Plato degree) | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 7 parte 1 (Met 5 + 6) | Calcolo | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Limpidità/Clearness | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 3 | Nefelometria | |||
0 | Birra/Beer | Peso specifico/Specific weight | DM 21/09/1970 SO GU n 105 28/04/1971 Met 4 | Picnometria | |||
0 | Caffè/Coffee, Derivati del caffè/Coffee products | Caffeina/Caffeine | ISO 20481:2008 | HPLC-UV-vis | |||
0 | Componenti dei tappi in sughero/Cork constituents, Mosti/Grape musts, Tappi in sughero/Cork stoppers, Vini/Wines | 2-3-4-6-tetracloroanisolo (TeCA)/2-3-4-6-tetrachloroanisole (TeCA), 2-4-6-tribromoanisolo (TBA)/2-4-6-tribromoanisole (TBA), 2-4-6-tricloroanisolo (TCA)/2-4-6-trichloroanisole (TCA), Geosmina/Geosmin, Guaiacolo/Guaiacol (2,4,6-Tricloroanisolo(>0,5ng/l o ng/g), 2,4,6-Tribromoanisolo (>0,5ng/l o ng/g); 2,3,4,6-Tetracloroanisolo (>1ng/l o ng/g); Guaiacolo (>5µg/l o µg/g); Geosmina (>10ng/l o ng/g)) | POP_149 rev.8 2022 | GC-MS/MS | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | 3-metossipropano-1-2-dioli/3-methoxypropane-1-2-diol, Gliceroli ciclici/Cyclic diglycerols | OIV-MA-AS315-15 R2009 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Acidità fissa (da calcolo)/Fixed acidity (calculation) | OIV-MA-AS313-03 R2009 + OIV-MA-AS313-01 cap 5.3 R2015 + OIV-MA-AS313-02 R2015 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Acidità volatile/Volatile acid content | OIV-MA-AS313-02 R2015 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Acido acetico/Acetic acid | OIV-MA-AS313-27 R2019 | Enzimatica-UV | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Acido acetico/Acetic acid, Acido citrico/Citric Acid, Acido lattico/Lactic acid, Acido malico/Malic acid, Acido tartarico/Tartaric acid | OIV-MA-AS313-04 R2009 | HPLC-UV-vis | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Titolo alcolometrico volumico totale (da calcolo)/Total alcoholic strength by volume (calculation) | OIV-MA-AS312-01 Met B R2021 + OIV-MA-AS311-03 R2016 | HPLC-RID + densimetria | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Titolo alcolometrico volumico totale (da calcolo)/Total alcoholic strength by volume (calculation) | OIV-MA-AS312-01 Met B R2021 + OIV-MA-AS311-10 R2018 | Calcolo | |||
0 | Mosti (1)/Grape musts (1), Vini/Wines | Titolo alcolometrico volumico/Alcoholic strength by volume | OIV-MA-AS312-01 Met B R2021 | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Acidità totale/Total acidity | OIV-MA-F1-05 R2011 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Anioni/Anions : Cationi totali/Total cations | OIV-MA-F1-09 R2012 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Caratteristiche cromatiche/Chromatic Characteristics | OIV-MA-F1-08 R2011 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Conducibilità/Conductivity | OIV-MA-F1-01 R2011 | Conduttimetria | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Diossido di zolfo (Anidride solforosa)/Sulphur dioxide | OIV-MA-F1-07 R2011 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Idrossi metil furfurale (HMF)/Hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF) | OIV-MA-F1-02 R2011 | HPLC-UV-vis | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Indice di Folin-Ciocalteu/Folin-Ciocalteu Index | OIV-MA-F1-13 R2015 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | Meso-inositolo/Meso-inositol, Saccarosio/Sucrose, Scillo-inositolo/Scyllo-inositol | OIV-MA-F1-12 R2015 | GC-FID | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts | pH/pH | OIV-MA-F1-06 R2011 | Potenziometria | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts | Titolo alcolometrico volumico/Alcoholic strength by volume | OIV-MA-F1-03 R2011 | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts, Mosti/Grape musts | Tenore zuccherino/Sugar concentration | OIV-MA-AS2-02 R2012 | Rifrattometria | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Acidità totale/Total acidity | OIV-MA-AS313-01 cap 5.3 R2015 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Acidità totale/Total acidity, Acidità volatile/Volatile acid content, Densità relativa/Relative density, Estratto non riduttore (da calcolo)/Sugar free extract (calculation), Estratto ridotto (da calcolo)/Reduced extract (calculation), Estratto secco totale (da calcolo) /Total dry matter (calculation), pH/pH, Titolo alcolometrico volumico effettivo/Real alcoholic strength by volume, Titolo alcolometrico volumico totale (da calcolo)/Total alcoholic strength by volume (calculation), Zuccheri riduttori/Reducing sugars (Densità relativa 0,989 -1,15 a 20°C, Titolo alcolometrico volumico effettivo 8,4 - 17,5 %vol, Zuccheri riduttori 0,6 - 300 g/l, Acidità totale 3,7 - 20 g/l, Acidità volatile 0,1 - 1,2 g/l, pH 2,9 - 4,0) | POP_155 rev.7 2023 | FTIR | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Acidità volatile/Volatile acid content (> 0,07 g/L) | POP_161 Rev. 5 2023 | Flusso continuo | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Acido D-gluconico/D-gluconic acid | OIV-MA-AS313-28 R2019 | Enzimatica-UV | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Acido sorbico (E200)/Sorbic acid (E200) | OIV-MA-AS313-20 R2023 | HPLC-UV-vis | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Batteri acetici/Acetic bacteria, Batteri lattici/Lactic bacteria, Lieviti/Yeasts | OIV-MA-AS4-01 cap 6 R2010 | Metodo colturale-conta | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Cadaverina (1-5 diamminopentano)/Cadaverine (1-5 diaminopentane), Istamina/Histamine, Putrescina (1-4 diamminobutano)/Putrescine (1-4 diaminobutane), Tirammina/Tyramine | OIV-MA-AS315-18 R2009 | HPLC-FLD | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Densità relativa 20°C/Relative density at 20°C, Massa volumica a 20°C/Specific gravity at 20°C | OIV-MA-AS2-01 Met B R2021 | Densimetria elettronica | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Diossido di zolfo libero (Anidride solforosa libera)/Free sulphur dioxide | OIV-MA-AS323-04A1 R2021 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Diossido di zolfo libero (Anidride solforosa libera)/Free sulphur dioxide, Diossido di zolfo totale (Anidride solforosa totale)/Total Sulphur dioxide | OIV-MA-AS323-04B R2009 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Diossido di zolfo libero (Anidride solforosa libera)/Free sulphur dioxide, Diossido di zolfo totale (Anidride solforosa totale)/Total Sulphur dioxide (Anidride solforosa libera >1 mg/l; anidride solforosa totale >2 mg/l) | POP_156 Rev. 4 2023 | Flusso continuo | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Diossido di zolfo totale (Anidride solforosa totale)/Total Sulphur dioxide | OIV-MA-AS323-04A2 R2021 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Estratto non riduttore (da calcolo) escluso il saccarosio/Sugar free extract (calculation) except Sucrose, Estratto non riduttore (da calcolo)/Sugar free extract (calculation), Estratto senza zuccheri (da calcolo)/Sugar free extract (calculation) | OIV-MA-AS2-03B R2012 + OIV-MA-AS311-10 R2018 | Calcolo | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Estratto non riduttore (da calcolo)/Sugar free extract (calculation), Estratto ridotto (da calcolo)/Reduced extract (calculation) | OIV-MA-AS2-03B R2012 + OIV-MA-AS311-01A R2009 | Calcolo | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Estratto non riduttore (da calcolo)/Sugar free extract (calculation), Estratto ridotto (da calcolo)/Reduced extract (calculation) | OIV-MA-AS2-03B R2012 + OIV-MA-AS311-03 R2016 | Calcolo | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Estratto secco totale/Total dry matter | OIV-MA-AS2-03B R2012 | Densimetria | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | Fruttosio/Fructose, Glicerolo (Glicerina)/Glycerol, Glucosio/Glucose, Saccarosio/Sucrose | OIV-MA-AS311-03 R2016 | HPLC-RID | |||
0 | Mosti/Grape musts, Vini/Wines | pH/pH | OIV-MA-AS313-15 R2011 | Potenziometria | |||
0 | Oli d'oliva/Olive oils | Acidi grassi liberi/Free fatty acids | COI/T.20/Doc n 34/rev 1 2017 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Oli d'oliva/Olive oils | Analisi spettrofotometrica nell'ultravioletto/UV spectrophotometric analysis, DeltaK/DeltaK, K232/K232, K264/K264, K268/K268, K272/K272 | COI/T.20/Doc n 19/rev 5 2019 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Oli di origine vegetale/Vegetable oils | Acido arachico (C20:0)/Arachidic acid (C20:0), Acido beenico (C22:0)/Behenic acid (C22:0), Acido cis-9-cis-12-cis-15-ottadecatrienoico (Acido alfa-linolenico (omega-3) C18:3)/Cis-9-cis-12-cis-15-octadecatrienoic acid (Alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) C18:3), Acido cis-9-cis-12-ottadecadienoico (Acido linoleico omega-6 C18:2)/Cis-cis-9-12-octadecadienoic acid (Linoleic acid omega-6 C18:2), Acido cis-9-ottadecenoico (Acido cis-oleico C18:1)/Cis-9-octadecenoic acid (Cis-oleic acid C18:1), Acido eicosenoico (C20:1)/Eicosenoic acid (C20:1), Acido eptadecanoico (C17:0)/Heptadecanoic acid (C17:0), Acido eptadecenoico (C17:1)/Heptadecenoic acid (C17:1), Acido lignocerico (C24:0)/Lignoceric acid (C24:0), Acido miristico (C14:0)/Myristic acid (C14:0), Acido palmitico (C16:0)/Palmitic acid (C16:0), Acido palmitoleico (C16:1)/Palmitoleic acid (C16:1), Acido stearico (C18:0)/Stearic acid (C18:0) | COI/T.20/Doc n 33/rev 1 2017 | GC-FID | |||
0 | Oli di origine vegetale/Vegetable oils | Numero di perossidi/Peroxide value | COI/T.20/Doc n 35/rev 1 2017 | Titrimetria | |||
V | Campo flessibile | Prodotti di origine vitivinicola/Products of vitivinicultural origin | Derivati cianici/Cyanide Derivatives | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Vini/Wines | Derivati cianici/Cyanide Derivatives | OIV-MA-AS315-06 R2009 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Vini/Wines, Aceti/Vinegars, Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar, Condimenti a base di aceto/Vinegars condiments, Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts, Mosti/Grape musts | Derivati cianici/Cyanide Derivatives | POP_212 Rev.1 2024 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | Vini/Wines, Aceti/Vinegars, Mosti/Grape musts ? 30 ppb; Aceto balsamico/Balsamic vinegar, Condimenti a base di aceto/Vinegars condiments, Mosti concentrati rettificati/Rectified concentrated grape musts, Mosti concentrati/Concentrated grape musts ? 60 ppb | |
V | Campo flessibile | Prodotti per la difesa e la nutrizione delle piante/Products for the defense and nutrition of plants | Pesticidi/Pesticides (>0,1 mg/kg) | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Prodotti per la difesa e la nutrizione delle piante/Products for the defense and nutrition of plants | Phosphonic acid, Fosetyl | POP_481 rev.4 2022 | LC-MS/MS | >0,1mg/kg | |
0 | Riso/Rice | Arsenico inorganico/Inorganic Arsenic | UNI CEN/TS 16731:2014 | HG-AAS | |||
0 | Suoli/Soils | pH/pH (in acqua/in water) | DM 13/09/1999 SO n 185 GU n 248 21/10/1999 Met III.1 | Potenziometria | |||
V | Campo flessibile | Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils | Pesticidi/Pesticides | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | GC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils | 2-phenylphenol (2-Hydroxybiphenyl) 4-chloro-3-methylphenol (4-Chloro-m-cresol) Acetochlor Acibenzolar-S-methyl Aclonifen Alachlor Aldrin alpha-Cypermethrin Alpha-HCH Ametryn Anthraquinone Azinphos-ethyl Azinphos-methyl Benalaxyl including other mixtures of constituent isomers including benalaxyl-M (sum of isomers) Bendiocarb Benfluralin beta-Cypermethrin Beta-HCH Bifenox Bifenthrin (sum of isomers) Biphenyl Bitertanol (sum of isomers) Bromocyclen Bromophos-ethyl Bromophos-methyl Bromopropylate Bupirimate Buprofezin Captan (Sum of captan and THPI, expressed as captan) Carbophenothion Chlordane (sum of cis- and transchlordane) Chlorfenapyr Chlorfenson Chlorfenvinphos Chloridazon Chlormephos Chloroneb Chlorothalonil Chlorpropham Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl Chlorpyrifos-Methyl Chlorthal-dimethyl Chlorthion Chlorthiophos Chlozolinate Cis-Heptachlorepoxid Clodinafop-propargyl Cyanophos Cyfluthrin (cyfluthrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)) Cyhalofop-butyl Cypermethrin (cypermethrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)) Cyproconazole Cyprodinil DeltaHCH Deltamethrin (cis-deltamethrin) Desmetryn Di-allate (sum of isomers) Diazinon Dichlobenil Dichlofenthion Dichlofluanid Dichlorvos Diclobutrazol Diclofop-methyl Dicloran Dicofol (sum of p,p' and o,p' isomers) Dieldrin Diethofencarb Dimoxystrobin Diniconazole (sum of isomers) Diphenamid Diphenylamine Ditalimfos Endosulfan-alpha Endosulfan-beta Endosulfan-sulphate Endrin Epoxiconazole Epsilon-HCH EPTC (ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate) Etaconazole Ethalfluralin Ethion Ethoprophos Etofenprox Etridiazole Etrimfos Famoxadone Fenamidone Fenamiphos Fenarimol Fenazaquin Fenbuconazole (sum of constituent enantiomers) Fenchlorphos Fenchlorphos oxon Fenclorim Fenitrothion Fenpropathrin Fenpropimorph (sum of isomers) Fenson Fensulfothion Fenvalerate and Esfenvalerate (Sum of RR & SS isomers) Fenvalerate and Esfenvalerate (Sum of RS & SR isomers) Flonicamid Fluazifop-P-butyl Flucythrinate (flucythrinate including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)) Flumioxazine Fluopicolide Fluotrimazole Fluoxastrobin (sum of fluoxastrobin and its Z-isomer) Fluquinconazole Flurochloridone (sum of cis- and trans- isomers) Flurprimidole Flusilazole Flutriafol Fluvalinate (sum of isomers) resulting from the use of tau-fluvalinate Folpet Fonofos Formothion Furalaxil Furilazole Heptachlor Heptenophos Hexachlorobenzene Hexaconazole Icaridin (Picaridin) Indoxacarb (sum of indoxacarb and its R enantiomer) Iodofenphos Isazofos Isodrin Isofenphos Isoprocarb Isopropalin Karanjin Kresoxim-methyl Lambda-cyhalothrin (includes gamma-cyhalothrin) (sum of R,S and S,R isomers) Lenacil Leptophos Lindane (Gamma-isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)) Mepanipyrim Metazachlor (Sum of metabolites 479M04, 479M08 and 479M16, expressed as metazachlor) Methacrifos Methoxychlor Metolachlor and Smetolachlor (metolachlor including other mixtures of constituent isomers including S-metolachlor (sum of isomers)) Metribuzin Mevinphos (sum of E- and Z-isomers) Mirex (Perchlordécone) Molinate Monocrotophos Myclobutanil (sum of constituent isomers) Napropamide (sum of isomers) Nitrofen Nitrothal-isopropyl Nuarimol o,p'-DDD o,p'-DDE o,p'-DDT Oxadiazon Oxadixyl Oxyfluorfen p,p'-DDD p,p'-DDE p,p'-DDT Paclobutrazol (sum of constituent isomers) Paraoxon Paraoxon-methyl Parathion Parathion-methyl Pentachloroaniline Pentachloroanisole Pentachlorobenzene Permethrin (sum of isomers) Perthan Phenthoate Phorate Phorateoxon Phorate-sulfone Phorate-sulfoxide Phosalone Phosmet Phosmet-oxon Phthalimide (Folpet metabolite) Piperonyl butoxide Pirimiphos-ethyl Pirimiphos-methyl Pretilachlor Procymidone Profenofos Profluralin Propanil Propetamphos Propiconazole (sum of isomers) Propoxur Prothiofos Pyrazophos Pyridaben Pyridaphenthion Pyrifenox Quinalphos Quinoxyfen Quintozene S421 (Octachlorodipropyl Ether) Simetryn Spiromesifen Sulfallate Sulfotep Tebufenpyrad Tecnazene Tefluthrin Terbacil Terbufos Terbutryn Tetraconazole Tetradifon Tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI, Captan metabolite) Tetramethrin Tetrasul Thionazin Tolclofosmethyl Tolylfluanid Trans-Heptachlorepoxid Triadimefon Tri-allate Trichloronat Trifluralin Trifluralin Vinclozolin zetaCypermethrin Flutianil Penflufen | POP_359 Rev.12 2024 | GC-MS | >0.01mg/kg | |
V | Campo flessibile | Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils | Pesticidi/Pesticides | Vedere elenco dei dettagli delle prove flessibili/See list of flexible scope details | LC-MS/MS | ||
0 | Prova correlata | Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils | 2,4,5-T 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4-D 2,4-DB 2,4-DNOP-6-Meptyl (2,4 DNOP) 2-HydroxyPropoxycarbazon 2-Naphthyloxyacetic acid (NOA, BNOA) 3-Hydroxy-Carbofuran 6-Benzyladenine Abamectin (sum of avermectin B1a, avermectin B1b and delta-8,9 isomer of avermectin B1a, expressed as avermectin B1a) Acephate Acequinocyl Acetamiprid Acibenzolar acid Aldicarb Aldicarb (sum of aldicarb, its sulfoxide and its sulfone, expressed as aldicarb) Aldicarb-sulfone Aldicarb-sulfoxide Ametoctradin Amidosulfuron Aminopyralid Amisulbrom Amitraz (amitraz including the metabolites containing the 2,4 -dimethylaniline moiety expressed as amitraz) Atrazine Avermectin B1a Avermectin B1b Azadirachtin Azimsulfuron Azocyclotin and Cyhexatin (sum of azocyclotin and cyhexatin expressed as cyhexatin) Azoxystrobin Beflubutamid Benomyl Bensulfuron-methyl Benthiavalicarb (Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl and its enantiomer and its diastereomers, expressed as benthiavalicarb-isopropyl) Benzalkonium chloride (mixture of C8, C10, C12, C14, C16 and C18) Benzalkonium Chloride n-C10 Benzalkonium Chloride n-C12 Benzalkonium Chloride n-C14 Benzalkonium Chloride n-C16 Benzalkonium Chloride n-C18 Benzalkonium Chloride n-C8 Benzovindiflupyr Benzoximate Bifenazate Bifenazate (sum of bifenazate plus bifenazate-diazene expressed as bifenazate) Bifenazate-diazene Bispyribac Bixafen Boscalid Bromacil Bromadiolone Bromoxynil and its salts, expressed as bromoxynil Bromuconazole (sum of diasteroisomers) Cadusafos Carbaryl Carbendazim Carbendazim and benomyl (sum of benomyl and carbendazim expressed as carbendazim) Carbofuran Carbofuran (sum of carbofuran (including any carbofuran generated from carbosulfan, benfuracarb or furathiocarb) and 3-OH carbofuran expressed as carbofuran) Carboxin Carfentrazone Carfentrazone-ethyl Chlorantraniliprole (DPX E-2Y45) Chlorfluazuron Chlorotoluron Chloroxuron Chlorsulfuron Clethodim Clethodim (sum of Sethoxydim and Clethodim including degradation products calculated as Sethoxydim) Clodinafop and its S-isomers and their salts, expressed as clodinafop Clofentezine Clomazone Clopyralid Cloquintocet-mexyl Clothianidin Coumaphos Cyanazine Cyantraniliprole Cyazofamid Cycloate Cycloxydim Cycloxydim including degradation and reaction products which can be determined as (BH 517-TGSO2) and/or (BH 517-5-OH-TGSO2) or methyl esters thereof, calculated in total as cycloxydim Cycluron Cyflufenamid (sum of cyflufenamid (Z-isomer) and its Eisomer, expressed as cyflufenamid) Cyflumetofen Cymoxanil Cyprosulfamide Demeton-S-methyl (Disulfuton Oxon Sulfone) Demeton-S-methylsulfone Desethyl Desethyl-Atrazine Desisopropyl-Atrazine Desmedipham Desmethyl-Pirimicarb Diafenthiuron Dichlorprop (2,4-DP) Difenacoum Difenoconazole Diflubenzuron Diflufenican Dimefox Dimethachlor Dimethenamid Dimethoate Dimethomorph (sum of isomers) Dimethylaminosulfotoluidide (DMST, Tolylfluanid metabolite) Dioxacarb Disulfoton Disulfoton-sulfone Disulfotonsulfoxide Diuron Diuron (sum expressed as 3,4- dichloraniline) DMF ? Dimethylphenylformamide 2,4- (Amitraz metabolite) DMPF - Dimethylphenyl-N-methylformamidine Dodemorph Dodine Emamectin benzoate B1a, expressed as emamectin EPN Ethiofencarb Ethirimol (Bupirimate metabolite) Etoxazole Fenamiphos (sum of fenamiphos and its sulphoxide and sulphone expressed as fenamiphos) Fenamiphos-sulphone Fenamiphos-sulphoxide Fenbutatin oxide Fenhexamid Fenothiocarb Fenoxaprop-P Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl Fenoxycarb Fenpropidin (sum of fenpropidin and its salts, expressed as fenpropidin) Fenpyrazamine Fenpyroximate Fenthion Fenthion (fenthion and its oxigen analogue, their sulfoxides and sulfone expressed as parent) Fenthion-oxon Fenthion-oxonsufoxide Fenthion-oxonsulfone Fenthion-sulfone Fenthion-sulfoxide Fipronil Fipronil (sum fipronil + sulfone metabolite (MB46136) expressed as fipronil) Fipronil-sulfone Flamprop-M-isopropyl Flazasulfuron Florasulam Florpyrauxifen-benzyl Fluazifop Fluazifop-P (sum of all the constituent isomers of fluazifop, its esters and its conjugates, expressed as fluazifop) Fluazinam Fludioxonil Flufenoxuron Fluometuron Fluopyram Flupyradifurone Fluroxypyr Fluroxypyr (sum of fluroxypyr, its salts, its esters, and its conjugates, expressed as fluroxypyr) Fluroxypyr-mepthyl Flutolanil Fluxapyroxad Foramsulfuron Forchlorfenuron Fosthiazate Furathiocarb Gibberellic acid Halauxifen Halauxifen-methyl Halauxifen-methyl (sum of halauxifen-methyl and X11393729 (halauxifen) expressed as halauxifen-methyl) Halosulfuron methyl Haloxyfop Haloxyfop (Sum of haloxyfop, its esters, salts and conjugates expressed as haloxyfop (sum of the R- and S- isomers at any ratio)) Haloxyfop-R-methyl Hexaflumuron Hexythiazox Imazalil (any ratio of constituent isomers) Imazamethabenz-methyl Imazamox (Sum of imazamox and its salts, expressed as imazamox) Imazaquin Imazosulfuron Imidacloprid Iodosulfuron-methyl Ioxynil Ioxynil (sum of ioxynil and its salts, expressed as ioxynil) Ipconazole Iprovalicarb Isofenphos-methyl Isofetamid Isoproturon Isopyrazam Isoxaben Isoxadifen-ethyl Linuron Malaoxon Malathion Mandipropamid (any ratio of constituent isomers) Mecarbam Mecoprop Mefenpyr-diethyl Mefentrifluconazole Mepronil Meptyldinocap (2,4 DNOPC) Meptyldinocap (sum of 2,4 DNOPC and 2,4 DNOP expressed as meptyldinocap) Mesosulfuron-methyl Mesotrione Metaflumizone (sum of E- and Z- isomers) Metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M (metalaxyl including other mixtures of constituent isomers including metalaxyl-M (sum of isomers)) Metamitron Metconazole (sum of isomers) Methamidophos Methidathion Methiocarb Methiocarb (sum of methiocarb and methiocarb sulfoxide and sulfone, expressed as methiocarb) Methiocarb-sulfone Methiocarb-sulfoxide Methomyl Methomyl and Thiodicarb (sum of methomyl and thiodicarb expressed as methomyl) Methoxyfenozide Metobromuron Metolcarb Metoxuron Metrafenone Metsulfuron methyl Monolinuron Monuron Nicosulfuron Nitenpyram Novaluron Omethoate Orthosulfamuron Oxamyl Oxasulfuron Oxathiapiprolin Oxydemeton-methyl (Demeton-Smethylsulfoxide) Oxydemeton-methyl (sum of oxydemeton-methyl and demeton-S-methylsulfone expressed as oxydemeton-methyl) Penconazole (sum of constituent isomers) Pencycuron Pendimethalin Penthiopyrad Pethoxamid Phenmedipham Phosphamidon Phoxim Picolinafen Picoxystrobin Pinoxaden Pirimicarb Pirimicarb: sum of pirimicarb and desmethyl pirimicarb expressed as pirimicarb Prochloraz Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz) Profoxydim Promecarb Prometon Prometryn Propachlor: oxalinic derivate of propachlor, expressed as propachlor Propaquizafop Propargite Propoxycarbazone (propoxycarbazone, its salts and 2-hydroxypropoxycarbazone expressed as propoxycarbazone) Propyzamide Proquinazid Prosulfocarb Prosulfuron Pyraclostrobin Pyraflufen ethyl Pyrethrins Pyridafol Pyridate Pyridate (sum of pyridate, its hydrolysis product CL 9673 (6-chloro-4-hydroxy-3-phenylpyridazin) and hydrolysable conjugates of CL 9673 expressed as pyridate) Pyrimethanil Pyriofenone Pyriproxyfen Pyroxsulam Quinclorac Quizalofop (sum of quizalofop, its salts, its esters (including propaquizafop) and its conjugates, expressed as quizalofop (any ratio of constituent isomers)) Quizalofop-ethyl Rimsulfuron Rotenone Sedaxane (sum of isomers) Sethoxydim Silthiofam Simazine Spinetoram (XDE-175-J) Spinetoram (XDE-175-L) Spinosad (spinosad, sum of spinosyn A and spinosyn D) Spinosyn A Spinosyn D Spirodiclofen Spirotetramat Spirotetramat and its 4 metabolites BYI08330-enol, BYI08330-ketohydroxy, BYI08330-monohydroxy, and BYI08330 enol-glucoside, expressed as spirotetramat Spirotetramat-BYI08330-enol Spirotetramat-BYI08330-enol-glucoside Spirotetramat-BYI08330-ketohydroxy Spirotetramat-BYI08330-monohydroxy Spiroxamine (sum of isomers) Sulcotrione Sulfentrazone Sulfosulfuron Sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers) Tebuconazole Tebufenozide Tebupirimifos Teflubenzuron Tembotrione 4,6-dihydroxy tembotrione (Tembotrione metabolite M5) Tembotrione (Sum of parent tembotrione (AE 0172747) and its metabolite M5 (4,6-dihydroxy tembotrione), expressed as tembotrione) Tepraloxydim Terbumeton Terbuthylazine Terbuthylazine Tetrachlorvinphos Thiacloprid Thiamethoxam Thiencarbazone methyl Thifensulfuronmethyl Thiobencarb (4-chlorobenzyl methyl sulfone) Thiodicarb Thiophanate-methyl Tiocarbazil Tralkoxydim (sum of the constituent isomers of tralkoxydim) Triadimenol (any ratio of constituent isomers) Triasulfuron Triazamate Triazophos Tribenuron-methyl Trichlorfon Triclopyr Tricyclazole Trifloxystrobin Triflumizole Triflumizole Triflumizole: Triflumizole and metabolite FM-6-1(N-(4-chloro-2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-n-propoxyacetamidine), expressed as Triflumizole Triflumuron Triflusulfuron (6-(2,2,2- trifluoroethoxy)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine (IN-M7222)) Triforine Trinexapac (aka cimetacarb ethyl) Trinexapac (sum of trinexapac (acid) and its salts, expressed as trinexapac) Triticonazole Tritosulfuron Valifenalate Vamidothion Zoxamide Chloridazon Chloridazon-desphenyl Chloridazon (sum of chloridazon and chloridazon-desphenyl, expressed as chloridazon) | POP_360 Rev.12 2024 | LC-MS/MS | >0.01mg/Kg | |
0 | Prova correlata | Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils | Phosphonic acid, Fosetyl-aluminium | POP_361 rev.11 2024 | LC-MS/MS | Fosetyl-aluminium ?0,010mg/kg, Phosphonic acid ?0,010mg/kg | |
0 | Suoli/Soils, Terreni/Soils | Pesticidi/Pesticides : AMPA (metabolita Glifosato) /AMPA (Glyphosate metabolite), Glifosato/Glyphosate (Glifosato >=0.01mg/kg, AMPA >=0,01mg/kg) | POP_368 rev.1 2023 | LC-MS/MS | |||
0 | Vegetali/Vegetables products | Anioni/Anions : Nitrati/Nitrate, Nitriti/Nitrite | UNI EN 12014-2:2018 | IC | |||
0 | Vini bianchi/White wines | Carbossimetil cellulosa/Carboxymethyl cellulose | OIV-MA-AS315-22 R2010 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Vini frizzanti/Sparkling Wines, Vini spumanti/Sparkling wines | Sovrapressione/Overpressure | OIV-MA-AS314-02 R2009 | Afrometria | |||
0 | Vini rosati/Rosè wines, Vini rossi/Red wines | Cianidolo-3-glucoside/Cyanidol-3-glucoside, Delfinidolo-3-glucoside/Delphinidol-3-glucoside, Malvidol-3-acetilglucoside/Malvidol-3-acetylglucoside, Malvidol-3-cumarilglucoside/Malvidol-3-coumarylglucoside, Malvidol-3-glucoside/Malvidol-3-glucoside, Peonidol-3-acetilglucoside/Peonidol-3-acetylglucoside, Peonidol-3-cumarilglucoside/Peonidol-3-coumarylglucoside, Peonidolo-3-glucoside/Peonidol-3-glucoside, Petunidol-3-glucoside/Petunidol-3-glucoside | OIV-MA-AS315-11 R2009 | HPLC-UV-vis | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | 1-2-propandiolo/1-2-propanediol, 1-3-propandiolo/1-3-propanediol, Glicole dietilenico/Diethyleneglycol, Glicole etilenico/Ethylene glycol (1,2-Propandiolo (>5,0mg/l), 1,3-Propandiolo (>5,0mg/l), Glicole etilenico (>5,0mg/l), Glicole dietilenico (>5,0mg/l)) | POP_050 rev.5 2021 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | 2-2-bis(4-idrossifenil)propano (Bisfenolo A) (BPA)/2-2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane (Bisphenol A) (BPA) (_) | POP_240 Rev.0 2021 | HPLC-FLD | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Acesulfame K (E950)/Acesulfame K (E950), Aspartame (E951)/Aspartame (E951), Ciclamato di Sodio (E952)/Sodium Cyclamate (E952), Saccarina (solfoniuro benzoico) (E954)/Saccharin (benzoic sulfimide) (E954), Stevioside/Stevioside, Sucralosio (E955)/Sucralose (E955) | OIV-MA-AS315-31 R2021 | LC-MS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Acido metatartarico/Metatartaric acid | OIV-MA-AS313-21 R2009 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Acido scichimico/Shikimic acid | OIV-MA-AS313-17 R2009 | HPLC-UV-vis | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Alcalinità delle ceneri/Alkalinity of ash | OIV-MA-AS2-04 R2009 + OIV-MA-AS2-05 R2009 | Titrimetria | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Allergene Caseine/Allergen Caseins, Allergene Ovoalbumina/Allergen ovalbumin | OIV-MA-AS315-23 R2012 | Immunoenzimatica: ELISA | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Anioni/Anions : Cloruri (espressi come Cloruro di Sodio)/Chlorides (expressed as Sodium Chloride) (?20mg/l) | POP_003 rev.12 2024 | IC | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Benzil butilftalato (BBP)/Benzyl butylphthalate (BBP), Di-2-etilesilftalato (DEHP)/Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP), Di-butilftalato (DBP)/Di-butylphthalate (DBP), Di-cicloesilftalato (DCHP)/Di-cyclohexylphthalate (DCHP), Di-etilftalato (DEP)/Di-ethylphthalate (DEP), Di-isobutilftalato (DIBP)/Di-isobutylphthalate (DIBP), Di-isodecilftalato (DIDP)/Di-isodecylphthalate (DIDP), Di-isononilftalato (DINP)/Di-isononylphthalate (DINP), Di-metilftalato (DMP)/Di-methylphthalate (DMP), Di-n-ottilftalato (DNOP)/Di-n-octylphthalate (DNOP) | OIV-MA-AS323-10 R2019 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Calcio/Calcium, Ferro/Iron, Magnesio/Magnesium, Manganese/Manganese, Potassio/Potassium, Rame/Copper, Sodio/Sodium, Zinco/Zinc | OIV-MA-AS322-13 R2013 | ICP-OES | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Caratteristiche cromatiche/Chromatic Characteristics | OIV-MA-AS2-07B R2022 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Carbammato di etile/Ethyl Carbamate | OIV-MA-AS315-04 R2009 | GC-MS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Ceneri/Ash | OIV-MA-AS2-04 R2009 | Gravimetria | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Diossido di carbonio (Anidride carbonica)/Carbon dioxide | OIV-MA-AS314-01 R2009 | Potenziometria | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Fruttosio/Fructose, Glucosio/Glucose | OIV-MA-AS311-10 R2018 | Enzimatica-UV | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Imidazolo/Imidazole, Vinilimidazolo/Vinylimidazole | OIV - OENO 262/2014 | LC-MS/MS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Indice di Folin-Ciocalteu/Folin-Ciocalteu Index | OIV-MA-AS2-10 R2009 | Spettrofotometria UV-VIS | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Lisozima/Lysozyme | OIV-MA-AS315-14 R2009 | HPLC-FLD | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Metanolo (Alcol metilico)/Methanol (Methyl alcohol) | OIV-MA-AS315-27 R2018 | GC-FID | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Orto-fosfati/Ortho-Phosphate-P, Solfati/Sulphates | OIV-MA-AS313-16 R2009 | IC | |||
0 | Vini/Wines | Poliaspartato di potassio/Potassium polyaspartate | OIV-MA-AS323-11 R2019 | HPLC-FLD |
POP = metodo di prova sviluppato dal laboratorio/laboratory developed test method